Tag: Go Against The Tide
Scandal at the Chopin Competition! Statement of the November 11 Movement and Against the...
The November 11 Movement and the community of Against the Tide TV wish to express their outrage at the scandalous decision of the organizers...
Petition an Präsident Donald Trump, die chinesische Regierung für das Coronavirus zur Verantwortung zu...
Die Coronavirus-Pandemie hat sich aufgrund von Verleugnung und Täuschung seitens der kommunistischen Regierung Chinas auf der ganzen Welt verbreitet. Von Anfang an hat die...
A Friend and Advisor of President Trump Exclusively for the Go Against the Tide...
A friend and advisor of President Donald Trump in an exclusive interview for the Go Against the Tide TV (Idź Pod Prąd TV)! On...
Iranians ask Poles not to support the Islamic government of Iran. „Trump understands us!”
“They took me into prison for 3.5 years, they beat me so badly that I had stomach bleeding for years. They tortured my mom,...