Lech Walesa is the fake hero who duped the world! (WATCH VIDEO)

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Lech Walesa is a FAKE HERO who duped the world! He was a communist agent, not an anti-communist! It was him who – together with communist criminals – made Poland a weak, postcommunist and quasi-democratic state which is not free to this day! We, the Poles, have known this for years. Now it’s time for the world to learn the truth about Walesa!


Lech Walesa: The Fake Hero who Duped the World! Make Poland Great Again #2 (English voiceover and subtitles)


Lech Walesa: The Fake Hero who Duped the World! Make Poland Great Again #2 (English subtitles)


Please subscribe our new English channel MAKE POLAND GREAT AGAIN on YouTube. Let’s get started!
Starring: Marian Kowalski & Pastor Paweł Chojecki


Watch the first episode of Make Poland Great Again: Why the latest government reshuffle in Poland?