PiS took in the HIGHEST number of IMMIGRANTS in the European Union! [Download the leaflet]

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During their election campaign, PiS promised not to take in immigrants.

We trusted them. However, when they came to power, they DECEIVED US!

In 2017, with PiS in power, Poland gave out the highest number of temporary residence permits of all the EU countries. It was nearly 700,000!

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PiS took in the MOST IMMIGRANTS in the European Union!

Don’t believe it? Read it for yourself!

Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany: „Islam has become a part of Germany. We will continue to accept immigrants.” Deutsche Welle

National states should be ready today to give up their sovereignty.” PAP

Mateusz Morawiecki, Prime Minister of Poland: „I have an absolutely positive opinion about Merkel.” Onet.pl

During their election campaign, PiS promised not to take in immigrants.

Poles don’t want immigrants and PiS doesn’t want them either.” – Jarosław Kaczyński speaking from the parliament’s rostrum, 2015

We trusted them. However, once they came to power, they DECEIVED US!

In 2017, with PiS in power, Poland gave out the most permits to stay among all the countries of the European Union – nearly 700,000!

Number of permits to stay issued for immigrants in the EU countries, 2017 (source: European Statistical Office)

The government statistics significantly lowered the number of immigrants accepted in Poland. Yet, even the official, ‘’governmental’’ number of immigrants in Poland is terrifying.

Number of immigrants with a permit to stay in Poland – according to the Polish Government (source: migracje.gov.pl)

The government throws out Poles abroad and imports immigrants in their place!

PiS, by increasing taxes, discourages our countrymen living abroad from returning to Poland.

In 2017, 2,5 million Poles lived as emigrants. That’s more than in 2016! At the same time, the government is working on accepting millions of immigrants to fill the gap left by Poles that had to emigrate, because they didn’t earn enough to make a living in Poland.

Between 2015-2017, PiS issued 1.8 million work permits for immigrants –that includes immigrants from Islamic countries: Pakistan; Azerbaijan and Turkey. Source: EuroStat; Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy

Poland is the biggest victim of brain drain in Europe. Nearly 580 thousand Poles with a university degree in 2017 were working abroad. That’s the most among the European countries.

Number of permits to stay issued by Poland for people from outside the EU (source: EuroStat)

„We’re on the right track to conclude an agreement regarding the employment of Filipinos. The Philippines delegate around 10 million citizens.” Stanisław Szwed, Deputy Minister from the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy

Number of Islamic immigrants legally staying in Poland (source: migracje.gov.pl)

According to official data, at the present time in Poland, there are 370,000 immigrants that are here legally with a permit to stay, of which 26,000 are Islamist immigrants! Source: migracje.gov.pl

Consequences of taking in immigrants

From 2015, the EU countries started accepting Islamic immigrants en masse. As a result, there’s been a major increase in the number of terrorist attacks done by Islamists in the EU.

Immigration comes with an increase in crime. Women are especially at risk. In Sweden, between 2012-2017, 84% of rapes where committed by immigrants. Source: Joakim P. Jonasson

What’s already happening in Poland?

Murders committed by immigrants:

In June 2016, a Syrian immigrant killed with a machete a pregnant Polish woman.

In December 2016, in Ełk, Arab immigrants stabbed a Pole to death.

In October 2018, in Łódź, an immigrant brutally killed a Polish woman.

If we don’t stop the taking in of immigrants to Poland by PiS (Law and Justice party), we may expect to see, in the near future, more and more of such events!

In the past two years the number of crimes committed by foreigners has increased by about 80%.

In 2017, foreigners committed 6,264 crimes in total in Poland – that’s almost 1,700 more than during the previous year.

Compared to two years ago, that’s an increase of 2,800 cases.

Foreigners also lead the statistics regarding arrest warrants issued by the Polish police: of 3,949 pursued by the warrant, over 80% were foreigners. (Source: rp.pl)

PiS hid from Poles the fact that it had signed the pro-immigration Marrakesh Political Declaration on May 2nd 2018.

Thereby, PiS agreed to ‘’facilitate’’ and ‘’encourage and strengthen the path to regular migration’’. PiS also pledged to ‘’promote regular migration (…) between Europe and North, West and Central Africa,’’ ‘’underlining their positive contribution in the development of societies in the countries of origin, of transit and of destination.

You’ll find the full text of the Declaration in Polish here (as well as PDF file in English).

What can we do?

We can exert pressure on Mateusz Morawiecki’s government. That’s what they’re still afraid of – conscious, brave citizens (Thanks to campaigns such as this one, Morawiecki’s government pulled out of signing another United Nations migration pact planned for December 10-11th this year.)

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  • Download this flyer on idzpodprad.pl (tiny.pl/thkv1)

  • Print it and hand it out to your friends

  • Contact a Go Against the Tide TV club nearest you: idzpodprad.pl/kluby

  • and get to work!

Go Against the Tide is an independent internet television that tackles topics that others are afraid of. That’s why we talk outright about pro-immigration policies of PiS, which pretends not to take in immigrants. We care first and foremost about delivering honest information to Poles as well as presenting the biblical perspective on reality.

We’re not interested in political correctness, only Truth and Poland!
